How to Fix Reversed Headset Sound (Left on Right and Right on Left).

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Have you ever experienced a headset sound that is reversed?
Here is the solution, this trick can be used for headsets, headphones, speakers, splitter jacks (after use it), and other audio outputs.

1. Download Equalizer APO
First, download Equalizer APO, you can download though link below
Download Here

2. Install the Application
Now, install the application like usually (mostly click next XD).
But, at this step you should click your driver or your audio output device, then click next again

3. Open This File
To open file, press WIN+R, then type : C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO
Click enter, you will go to this location,  then open "Editor file".

1. Delet all (Press -) 2. Press + -> Basic filters -> Copy (copy between channels) 3. Drag green L up arrow to red R down. Likewise with R green to L red.
4. Click file and save.

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Reversed Headset Sound
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